Making more progress on the second assignment in Class 2! I've been super tired all week. Bring on the weekend!!

And heres a lunchtime sketch for my co-worker and friend, Paul. Who had knee surgery today and apparently might score some
cadaver replacements for his leg! Recover well soon buddy!
So again I didnt get to make it down to Comic-Con this year. But I did have a few books that I had a friend, Chris, so graciously pick up for me this year!
Oogeley Boogeley, Pascal Campion.

Filled w/ Pascal's awesome illustrations that all seem to nail great design, color, composition, and tell a story in one panel. I recently got into his work, dug in the archives, and found that he was doing at least one of these a day!
The Art of Deanna Marsigliese.Killer animation artist from Sheridan. Filled with great character designs. Shes gonna be doing big things in the future. She also did an awesome little doodle inside.

She also left her number somewhere below, but to respect her privacy I wont post it here. =)

And my crown jewel of the con,
Belle du Jour, Bill Presing.This book is stunning. From the presentation to the packaging. The content from finished illustrations, to rough sketches and watercolour tests. And to top it all off, Chris managed to snag a limited edition w/ an original art piece attached to the inside cover. I was a little apprehensive because it costs so much more, but when I cracked it open and took a look at the original piece (below, bee suit-girl.), I felt vindicated. Look at that man!!! That piece is freaking stunning. The dude has some real skills.

One of the pages from Belle Du Jour
My original art piece from Bill Presing.

So lastly, I wanna say thanks to my friend,
Chris Turnham , for picking these up for me. And a big congrats to Chris for scoring a new position as a designer at
Laika animation studios! Thats freaking rad man Good luck.