Someone wrote me recently asking how I approached animating more physical shots, like my work in games for example. So I thought I'd post my general steps for a more physical shot I had done for AM. Not to say this way is the best or only way, but its what made most sense to me. I still have a lot to learn.
The assignment was an exercise in weight. So I chose to show a sense of weight by way of a heavy pulling situation. I'd never do this for every animation at work, but the intent here was to clarify my ideas to my mentor, Greg Kyle:

From that vid ref, I try to start cherry picking stronger poses and accentuating them. Here I'm just trying to focus on a simple clear lines of action, reverse curves, that sort of thing. This is the thing I always do at work. Except they're always messier than this. I think, again, I was just trying to clarify my ideas for my mentor to see:

To get to this iteration is like a hundred steps later, haha. But after the timing on the main keys are working. I convert to spline mode and by then it looks ridiculous. So I added breakdowns and by then there is a key at about every 2-3 frames. Then I go in and just animate the root node
so that its arcs are nice and that spacing works. Then to the spine, head, legs, arms, usually in that order. By the end I make sure every thing is delaying or leading where it should, and all the arcs are ....."arc-like"=P. Even tracking the arc on the nose to ensure the movement on the head is solid, which is a trick I learned way later:

So there you have it! Far from perfect, but I hope this made sense and was of some help. Now, if you want to see some real animation, check this out.
man I haven't visited your space for such a long time. Quite a lot of really nice stuff here ;-) from drawing to animation.... you are doing great. I am gonna check your workspace. you are still at AM right?
Hey Olivier thanks for stopping in! I'm in and out of AM depending on if I could pay for it that month or not. Which is kind of a drag. Are you graduating soon?
Thanks for sharing your process Bobby... i always appreciate other sharing how they approach animation. I still find it rather vast and overwhelming.. but looking at other peoples methods helps me break things down a bit more... animation is a giant that need to be brought down piece by piece one part at a time! Thanks man!
I hope you get to join AM again i would love to have you around campus.. maybe i can shoot some of my work over your way for an honest crit? Maybe? Anywhoo.. your site kicks ass i love your drawings and your animation is awesome. Talk to you later.
i was supposed to graduate this month but my short is now about 2 minutes long. Way too hard on top of my full time job. Did you see that Pixar is advertising some positions?
Great Site!! Bobby!!...Man.... I was laughing so hard when I thought about what the people in the park were thinking when they saw you pulling on ladies with a rope!! :) hahah
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