This is what I've been working on, outside of work work. Not too much to say this early on, except that I love this piece of dialogue. I wanted to get into some juicy, dark, serious acting. Since I never am any of the latter two. *wink*.
I'm also trying to take more time to do as much prep work as I can, top chef-style. And man, that included everything from scribbling on paper, shooting numerous clips of video reference, studying actors I admire that fall along the lines of this character, asking my fiance what she thinks. Every time out of the gate I want to make sure I shaking things up as far as my approach goes. This stuff takes sooo long and is such hard work that I wanna make sure I'm learning a little something.
Mapping out the idea, with a general idea of the character's attitude.

Embarassing Video Reference:
Trying to get specific.
A big thing I've learned this time around is that it helps me when I shoot reference for everything, like ev-er-ry little thing. Well so like this for instance, theres a specific gesture I wanted to hit on "today". I was well into blocking in 3D already and I just could not get it to work! So frustrating! So I was like f*ck it, I need to know what the hell my arm is really doing, so I shot it right there, frame-by-framed it, and was like , ooooooooooooh. I did that again for so many different parts.

So after initial blocking pass and feedback from my mentor, heres where it stands so far, kind of at a blocking plus stage:
*Updated 06/16*
Deep into splines!
Mapping out the idea, with a general idea of the character's attitude.

Embarassing Video Reference:
Trying to get specific.

So after initial blocking pass and feedback from my mentor, heres where it stands so far, kind of at a blocking plus stage:
*Updated 06/16*
Deep into splines!