Monday, January 22, 2007


The assignment is to pose out Stu in an excited pose. These are some crude ideas. Hopefully I can keep comin up with better ones later.
I've been "sitting in" on some e-critiques Randy Haycock (Aladdin, Clayton from Tarzan, Kida from Atlantis) has for his students and the things he's always mentioning he wants from drawings are a sense of what the character is doing, and how he/she feels about what they're doing. Damn! I dont know why but that just completely struck a chord for me, just then. Like, why did that just completely make sense to me, only now? The hell if I know. So alright, I'm going to push TRY to get that in my drawings from here on out, wish me luck.


  1. Those are SWEET drawings!!! And Haycock is the only person to lecture about animation and make me cry!!! Awesome guy.
