Friday, February 16, 2007

Massive Dude.

This weeks assignment was to animate a platform with a three-joint chain to demonstrate overlapping action. As with most of these assignments, I blocked it out, as rapidly as I could, and then literally made hundreds of iterations to make it look right, or somewhat right. Tricky parts? Yeah the whole thing man. Getting it to start convincingly, settle nicely, and travel across the screen and not seem stiff all went into trying to make this believable.
Which is starting to prove to me that animation, no matter how much you animated before, never gets any easier. The more you do it and develop your eye, the more you start to pick apart anything about everything.

So here's mine:

Lunchtime Scibbly-pants.


  1. Hey man, looks believable to me. I frame-by-framed it and I think it's pretty stinkin' nice.

    That's my kinda character sketch... I've been stuck on da big guys as far as sketching goes lately. One thing... is that a battle axe or a guitar? I'm guessing an axe, but a guitar is almost cooler to me. I think I want to see a guitar. Either way, it's pretty pimp ;)

    Take it easy Bobby. Thanks for the nice comment about Eliot.

  2. Thanks Dennis!

    Yeah drawing guys that can enver possibly anatomically exist ever is my specialty!

    About Eliots blog, that cheetos video is hilarious,haha, that stuff is pure gold.

    Hope all is well!

  3. Oh yeah and that is super cool that you are continuing to draw, even though I assume you are workin as a 3D animator.
    Man, when I first got this gig, I didnt really draw consistently for like 2 years! I think it was this EXPLOSION of art blogs that hyped me up to start again!
