Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Some news on the animation front!

Great news in fact! I recently was picked to be a part of a private animation tutoring program with Pixar animator, Stephen Gregory! It goes without saying that I'm stoked to be a part of it! For this session he could only afford time for like 5 students (tutees?) so I feel pretty fortunate, like I won a golden ticket or something. I dont know all the specific details about the program so far, I do that it is going to run a few months, we meet with him every week one on one, and everyones assignments are based on their skill level, and what specifically they want to accomplish. Which are two sexy bullet points for me. Oh and Cheryl's a lil happier that I dont have to spend so much money this semester for AM.

Plus, hell, I've never heard of anything like this go on, so he's kind of trailblazing here, and its exciting to be on board! I dont really know what to expect, which is always dangerous fun. That said, I'll definitely be posting by progress here just in case people are thinkin about taking it sometime. It'd be nice to know what you're getting into no?

Find out more info about the program here!
The Spline Doctors


  1. Hey Bobby
    Congrats! I got chosen to, sorta. I was on the short list until this morning when Stephen let me know that someone dropped out, and the open spot was mine if I wanted it.

    So I'm in too! Woohoo

    Well good luck with it and I look forward to seeing more stuff from you.

  2. Congrats Bobby! You've got some great work so it'll be nice to see what you come out with after the tutor session!

  3. Congrats Bobby! I was wondering what happened to you! We were going to have class together...but then you vanished. All for such a great and exciting reason. I ended up switching to a different class 3 anyways.

    I am wondering something though. Did you apply for spot just on your own? OR....did a mentor kind of tell you too apply? Just curious. Good Luck!!

  4. Thanks Bobby! Thats is so awesome. I will be keeping an eye on your website to see how you're doing. Plus, I am going to be watching that website to see when they are taking applications again...sure is worth a try. OH man....you must be excited. I can feel a little bit of the excitement...and its not even happening to me!....ha ha. Later!

  5. bobby,

    blog rolled to you from Amber's site. Your illustrations and animation ROCK! congrats on your news and the best of luck to you!

  6. Congrats, Bobby! Looking forward to your future posts. :)
