Friday, March 14, 2008


Repostin this in tribute to the Pacquiao/Marquez fight this saturday! Then on sunday a bunch of my best friends and I are doin a 69 flight climb up the Columbia Tower in Seattle! I R Scared. Stephen Gregory, my past pixar tutor sent me some encouraging words about my last animation assignment, which is giving some motivation to finish that sucker up. Maybe we just might be able to find the time to watch Horton, its gettin good ratings on Rotten Tomatoes!

All this and we're dog sitting a year-old bulldog that's bigger than a bison. Freaking cute though.

Have a stellar weekend everyone.


  1. Great drawing of me, you've really captured my heroic stature.

  2. haha, thanks mr "paquao". Thanks for taking some time out of your busy schedule to check out my humble little site!

  3. Hey, Thanks for the kind post on my blog. And rad Germaine sketch, by the way. reads perfectly.

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