Monday, September 29, 2008

I haz an interview!

Here's an interview I did recently with Randall Sly & the Character Design blog.

Though I am terribly out of place amongst the amazing lineup of interviewees , I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks for puttin it all together and choo-choo choosing me Randall !

And as per request, I'm posting the latest DnD fighter done for my friend and work-wife Paul Zimmer. Meet Tim Tumbler, human fighter and the group's designated metal head. And yes, that IS a sword, of pro..... **ahem correction, SHIELD of protection, behold the blue glowy bits! It should also be of note that this image was made to switch out weapons as the adventure progresses!This one was fun in a weird way because Paul literally stood behind me art directing every detail as I drew.
"Now on to the nose..... like that?"

"Longer, even longer, no shorter , more pointier."
" Oh no that strand of hair wouldn't curl like that, make it more unkempt, put split ends if you need to."

Ahhh, it was nice to just turn my brain off and stroke the screen.


  1. First Rawling now You.

    Congrats on the interview and killer work.

  2. *Puts on NERD hat*.

    Ahem, its a SHIELD of Protection. Obviously no self respected Dungeons and Dragons player would BELIEVE a SWORD could be blessed with the magic of PROTECTION.

    *Takes off NERD hat*.

    I LOVE IT!

  3. Whoa! Major Faux Pas, Sorry Zimm, I made teh correctionz.

  4. congrats Bobby on the interview and congrats on taking Zimm's art direction. You guys make a good team!

  5. Your latest reel is fantastic, short and sweet!

    And its very inspiring to see another FIlipino strive to be the best one can be, thank you!

  6. Congratulations on the interview, Bobby! I was stoked to see your stuff up on Character Design!

  7. Squeeeeeeee..

    Much congrats on the interview!
    Love reading every bit of info from it.

  8. Yeah! Bobby great warrior!Its awesome! The color and the draw its so cool!Thank you very much for your comment on my blog,master!

  9. I also found you through the CD interview.
    There is so much radical happening here. Thank you for that.

  10. great work man! love your style.


  11. beautiful work. I liked your character design blog interview.

  12. Very nice designs in the character design interview excellent style.

  13. Hey Bobby.... this is awesome. Congrats!!! You da man!

  14. nice interview. keep up the good work!

  15. Awesome in-depth interview, Bobby! Now I know all your secrets! Seriously though, I loved reading about your process and seeing it put into action in the progression clips. 2D or, you kick-ass!

  16. DUDE!!! Dr. Pontillydilly. Tim Tumbler now has Black Iron Scale Armor and a talking, gay Sunblade named Barry. Up for a little update sir? If not, it's ok, I still love you. Just a little less than before. *tear*
