Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Her mom.

Thanks for the all the kind words below. After the last post, I got a request to sketch her mom , Sally Jupiter. So here she is! In all of her ridiculously costumed glory! What's the point of the skirt, really?

And you heard it here first, Bobby Chiu plans to don a black bananahammmock & blue body paint as Dr. Manhanttan this year as SDCC, so be on the look out for that. Thanks for steppin up to the plate Bobby!


Jeremy said...

Dang man, that's awesome! Thanks for the interview links in the previous post too. I must have missed them when they were new. Don't feel back about feeling like a fanboy when you met Joe.. I did exactly the same thing when I met James at the Annies. He was incredibly nice though and congratulated me on helping a Japanese friend interview John Lasseter right after James had won the Annie for best character animation. I thought.. "what in the world are you talking about? Its me who should be congratulating you." Guess we're all really lucky to have such nice as well as super talented people to look up to.

Patrick Tuorto said...

Hey Bobby,
Outstanding work man! I love your designs and your film looks great. You have a real handle on the character animation to.
And your right, animation is REALLY hard, again, great stuff!


kevin said...

man dude, these are killer

Bobby Pontillas said...

Thanks again guys!!! I appreciate the good words.

Pointpusher said...

I like this one even better than the last. More, more! please...

Liana Hee said...

Hey Bobby, thanks for the comment. I really wish they showed the Minutemen more in the movie too..I LOVE your Sally Jupiter! You create awesome art.

Tatevik Avakyan said...

Great character! I really like her.

RAWLS said...

hahaha... I'd love to see Bobby as Manhattan!! I don't see it happening though! You on the other hand....
Great work my friend!

Joanna Davidovich said...

Beautiful stuff! She could fit right in with the Incredibles!

Javi Recio said...

really wonderfull work my friend

Kei Acedera said...

These are really great Bobby!

Bobby Pontillas said...

Thanks guys so much!!

Ray Lederer said...

Dayyaaammm Bobby! These are hot!!! Bill Pressing's gonna havta step it up!

Chris Battle said...


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