Monday, May 4, 2009

3D blocking!

Finally! Here's a show-able rough blocking pass. It's come a long way but I've got about 6 -7 weeks until the term ends, so I still gonna have to scramble to flesh this out, then polish it up. Which really has been insane, I'm sprinting to get it done. I've also had the good fortune to pick up some freelance character design for Nickelodeon , so between that , my day job, and this film, my schedule has been brutal ! But I can't complain. This is what they call character building right? Alright time to hit the sack. More soon ok?

BTW. Pacquiao for the win! Speaking of Brutal!

Also, big thanks to Danny, Katy, and Rich for all the maya help so far!!


Pietro Ant said...

Hi Bobby, how are you?
Thank you for visit.
I know his art for some time but had not commented. I love your work.

Unknown said...

knew it was gonna be awesome in 3d too :)

Betsy Bauer said...

Looking good, Bobby! That's so great to hear about your Nickelodeon gig! Best of luck! :)

Dan said...

Looking good Bobby, and congrats on the other news.


Tapan Gandhi said...

wow congrats on the freelance gig! that's terrific news :)

and good luck! i know it'll be breathtaking when it's finished

RAWLS said...

Awesome job my friend!!! Well done! I knew you could do it! And congrats on the Nick job.

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! can't wait for the Twin Tikis premiere!

Katy Hargrove said...

Looks pretty solid overall Bobby. The only thing that is throwing me is the cut to the back of his head with the city and then back. For a moment I think he's looking at a person in front of him who is looking at the city.

Dani Gómez said...


Bobby Pontillas said...

Thanks so much everyone! I really appreciate the encouragement!

Word. I dont like how that shot feel either. I have a different transition I'm gonna try and I'll shoot you a playblast, lemme know what you think. Thanks for your feedback.

Zimm said...

Fuck you and your talent Dr. Pontillidills. My heart always thaws a little bit more whenever I witness your majestic talents. How dare you sir.

William Bradford said...

Very Impressive so far. I'm struggling to relearn 3D myself. Good Luck

Damon said...

This has almost the EXACT same feel of your previous 2D version!! Amazing! Very well translated.

Meinardas said...

Cool! Looking good.
Best of luck! :)

Unknown said...

holy crap, I like it a lot. the backwards head and leg both look awesome.

Maya Karp said...

Bobby it's looking great! Oddly enough, I think textureless is already lending itself to the muted tone. Like, just a gradient... Not the point here- point is it's gonna be great! Keep it up! You're incredible!

Cinthia Fujii said...


You are doing a really great job in 3D too! :D
Love it!

Hey, Are you going to graduation too?

Oliver Akuin said...

it's looking great!

Gerald de Dios said...

I'm really liking the look so far in your film! It's Pacquiao!

Bobby Pontillas said...

Thanks everybody, very much appreciated!

Chetan Trivedi said...

Ohh darn, i had been waiting for the film to be in 2d. :(
anyways, it blockin looks good dude.
looking forward to more updates.


Chris Palmer said...

Much luck on racing to the finish line! This is looking great so far. I think you've captured what you had in your 2D version and I'm really loving how it's turning out.

Juggling 3 projects at once! You are my hero. Amazing stuff, Bobby.

Andre Barnwell said...

BAHAHAHAH! WICKED! I'm not impressed because I wouldn't expect anything less. I've really been enjoying your process work and I am looking forward to seeing the finished process. you got me pumped man. When its done I'm gonna pop me some popcorn. Congrats on the Nick design gig. Thats wicked.

Javi Recio said...

looks great bobby, Good luck man you are going to get top!!!!

chromasketch said...

Really nice work on your blog here! Love your drawings

Hammy said...

REALLY great stuff you have so far! I guess since this is the blocking stage, I can't really say much for now but I do feel like the timing is a little fast. Maybe it's just me though. I kind of thought the part where he had his head backward can take a little while to 'twist' back.. Maybe make it 'crack' twist, like a little jumpy twist, then snap, it snaps back to the front? Just a little input though. :)

Hope to see more Bob!! And thanks for sharing!

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