Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wild Things

Hey everyone! A while back I had the honor of being asked by Cory Godbey to contribute to the site, Terrible Yellow Eyes, a blogsite comprised of art based on Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are. TONS of brilliant work already there. Well I finally found the time and courage to work on my piece! Hope you like it!

Heres a step-by-step for those interested, mostly my mom .


  1. Perfectly breathtaking, especially the form you conveyed on his eyes. Can't wait to see the movie.

  2. It's beautiful Bobby!! I'm so glad you put it up :D

  3. Fun! I like how you improved on the sketch and modified the position of his arms... they form a heart that frames his already heart-shaped face. :)

  4. Thanks ladies! And William.=) I appreciate the love!

  5. I've been keeping tabs on the "Terrible Yellow Eyes" blog, and it's awesome that you've been asked to contribute! Unsurprising tho, since you have an amazing style. ;)

    I love the color choices! Very playful and cute.

  6. I so loooooove this so much son, specially the heart shaped head, face, hand, etc...so very cute. I wouldn't mind having a stuff animal like this.

  7. BP!!!! You rok. I know you know this, but yeah you rok very nicely

  8. LOVE IT!
    it reminds me of my storybook back when i was 5..:D
    is it a digital painting?
    what kind of brush did you use?

  9. love it! what medium did you use?

  10. Yes guy! Nice contribution my friend!!

  11. Thanks so much everyone! This is just done in Photoshop, feel free to shoot me an email if you want me to send you the brushes!!

  12. Hey, you've got a really cool Blog. I dig it alot.

    I like the WTWTA art you did.


  13. Hey bobby! This is truly amazing! I was trying to post a comment the other day regarding the painting process, but didn't work! Anyways, i would love to know what brushes you used! Inspirational work, thank you for this!-Jm

  14. Hey Bobby - this is so awesome!

    Great way to capture the original spirit and vitality.

    Absolutely can't wait to see the film come out.

  15. nice one! I liked seeing your process, thanks for posting!

  16. very interesting, your step-by-step. and a great contribution to the yellow-eyes-blog as well.

  17. Brilliant! Fantastic job!

    This is one of my all time fav book.

  18. This is so beautiful..I love it!

  19. Hey Bobby! Have you considered signing your work? I love this so much that I decided to save it to the "happy things" folder I have on my desktop and I noticed there was nothing to mark it as yours besides changing the name.

  20. I love this piece! Congrats on the new gig!
