Thursday, October 8, 2009

Movin' out East....

Hey Everyone! Have a seat, I've got some pretty big news..

I'm proud to say that I've accepted an offer from Blue Sky Studios, for a full-time position as a Character Animator!!!

For me this is HUGE. Anyone who has known me, knows that it's been a big dream of mine to work in feature films. In the past couple of years I've worked extremely hard to make it happen, busting my butt at Animation Mentor at night and at ArenaNet by day. I also had the good fortune of having peers inside and out of the studio, who got my reel in front of the supervisors. Which I'm forever grateful for. I don't have any previous film experience, so Blue Sky is takin' a chance on me. I'll be moving out to New York in November, and working on their next film Rio.

Needless to say, I'm really gonna miss all my family & friends in WA and all my co-workers turned good friends at ArenaNet. Movin' out to NY on my own is gonna be a little scary, but should be a fun adventure right? Wish me luck! Keep checkin in, I'll let you all know how things are goin from time to time!


  1. Wow! Kickass news, Bobby! Sorry to see you go, but I'm happy you're getting a chance at realizing your dream. Good luck in NY...!

  2. Congratulation Bobby!!!! I knew you would end up somewhere big!! :)

  3. congrats matey, thats a massive achievment

  4. Big congratulations! Blue Sky looks like a really great environment to animate in!

  5. this is awesome news. congrats Bobby!!!

  6. Yay! That is awesome Bobby..Congrats! :)

  7. All those amazingly hard work finally paid off and you deserve it all! It's an incredible news, and so proud of you because I know you have the true burning passion for this field.

    You have always been a major inspiration for me, since AIS and working in the gaming industry and now the feature films, which one day I wanted to do. Thanks for constantly pushing yourself and improving and never giving up, because that gives me the motivation and inspiration to pursue and evolve my own path.

    You are awesome and please keep us updated and stay in contact. I really REALLY hope one day I can work on a project side by side with you,

    Best Wishes,

    WIlster Out

  8. Sweet. Congrats on your employment!

  9. BRILLIANT!!!!

    Huge congrats Bobby, I always knew it was a matter of time until you start working on features.

    Good luck with relocating dude.

  10. Bobby, congrats no one has proved themselves more worthy than you over the past 2 years. You've done amazing work and quickly become THE MAN to watch. I know I'll be watching for great stuff.

  11. Awesome Bobby! Go kick some ass like you mean it.

  12. Congratulations! You'll do great!

  13. Hell yeah!!!

    Congrats, Bobby! You deserve every bit of this. Good luck on the move and acclimating on the East Coast.

  14. Congrats! Good Luck! Have Fun! and Knock em Dead:)


  15. Amazing news, Bobby! Best of luck to you! I know you'll do great!

  16. That's fantastic news Bobby!!!!!!!! Huge congrats, I knew you'd get into an awesome studio!

  17. Congrats bobby, you deserve! I hope one day have a great chance too!

  18. congratulations, bobby!! that's awesome news, and i'm so happy for u :)

  19. Wow! Congrats Bobby! That is so fantastic to hear!! You deserve it, and I can't wait to see your work in Rio. :D

  20. What happy news! Go kick some animated ass!

  21. Big congrats, Bobby! You totally deserve it man! Keep on rockin' in NY.

  22. I've been following your blog for a bit. And I am totally jealous. Congratulations man! I'm in AM now... I'll be @ BlueSky in a year.
    See you then.

  23. AWESOME! ok now we really have to go for a beer before you leave!

  24. Congratulations Bobby! See you soon!

  25. Wow. All your hard work paid off. New York is a wicked place. Enjoy

  26. dude, that's awesome news, big congratulations!

  27. Fantastic news. I can't wait to see your name in the credits of the next movie. Well done from london!

  28. NICE!!!
    I jumped for joy for you man!

  29. Congrats mate!

    Well deserved.

    I've been watching your stuff since the Animation Mentor days and you have boatloads of talent.

    Keep on blogging what you can get away with (while still honoring your NDA's).

    Can't wait to see some more of your work.

  30. CONGRATULATIONS!! Looking at all visible to me efforts you put in [and the bigger amount of I probably don't know about] I must say you toldly deserve it!!~~
    Good luck in your further steps of growing as an animator :)
    Can't wait to see your name in credits ;)))

  31. Congratulations Bobby! That's great news.

    We're proud of you!!!

    Happy Animating,

    Animation Mentor Staff

  32. OMIGOSH CONGRATS! You are sooooo very talented!

  33. Dude!!! Congratulations Bobby! They were smart to pick you up before Pixar got you:)

  34. Wow! Again, my sincere thanks everybody! I really appreciate it.

  35. That's great news, Bobby!!! Congrats man, you're livin' the dream!

  36. Hi Bobby and thanks so much to have let a word in my little french blog!
    Wow, congratulation for this fantastic new, it's enormous!
    I like your work, especially your paintings, your characters are really charming and full of life!
    pardon my poor english! see you!

  37. We miss you already here... :(

  38. Wow! Awesome!! You'll be amazing there! I wish you luck in the future! :D

  39. CONGRATULATIONS BOBBY!!!! its totally deserved - Don't forget all of us little people when your a big star ^_^

  40. Thanks again for stoppin by and showin some love everyone!

  41. Congratulations, Bobby! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
