Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Momma Pontillas!

Yesterday was the birthday of one the most adorable people in the world.  My mom is a single parent and I'm a single child, so growing up we just had each other.  I made the cross-country trip from Seattle to NY with her a year ago today.  She checks this blog every day for updates, leaving supportive comments but they never go through :)
She loves loves loves Filipino folk dancing and was always dancing around the house, but generally is too shy to do it in public.  It is the cutest thing you've ever seen.

Happy Birthday Mom!  I love you!


  1. well you just put everyone else to shame. Great piece of inspiration!

  2. Your mother sounds wonderful. Great illustration! And happy birthday to her, indeed. :)

  3. That is so cool.
    Really really great picture, and great story behind it :)

  4. moms are great, she looks very cute!
    I loved your artwork!
    a very big cheer from another pencil-lover from spain!

  5. Very inspirational indeed :) She sounds like a very charming lady. Happy birthday to her as well!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. happy bday mrs pontillas! she looks like so much fun.

  8. WOW!!! Son...Thank you so much for the kind and sweet words. I'm so touched and you really captured the real me in this picture...from my hair to the jewelries I wear. I love it. Thanks also to your friends for their greetings. Luv and miss u.

  9. This is too awesome for words, the expression and pose are just adorable. She looks like an amazing woman :]

  10. Maligayang Kaarawan Po Mommy Pontillas!!!

  11. Thanks for Sharing Bobby! This is really great! makes me think of my mom. Awesome stuff!

  12. Happy Birthday Mom! I didn't you know you had Filipino roots. My mother is also from the Philippines :) It's always a funny sight when I see my aunts doing the "Igorot dance" :D

  13. wonderful image as usual, Bobby. :) all the best!

  14. Fantastic stuff Bobby! Super strong color, great design, just plain awesome stuff man. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed!

  15. Hey! Thanks for the kind words! You're work is awesome!

