Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My first feature film

Today, animation on Rio is officially a wrap!  
Congratulations to everyone who worked on this film.
If you haven't seen it yet, check out this preview,
there are no spoilers I promise.


Jess Morris said...

Congrats on your first film Bobby! What a fun film to be a part of! I can't wait to see it!

Phil Willis said...

Congrats Bobby!

Must be really awesome to be finished your first animated feature.

I won't be finished on Happy Feet 2 until later in the year, but I'm trying to enjoy the experience while I can.

Keep us posted as to what you're up to.


Dougmian said...

Congratulations!Enjoy this moment!

Liana Hee said...

Congrats Bobby!!! How fantastic! I love the trailer! :)

Brigitte said...

dfgjkherkfgvhj THIS LOOKS ADORABLE.

Vicki said...

Congratulations Bobby!! It looks great! :)

Crowpie said...

Wow, Congrats Bobby!!!

Can't wait to see it!

Bobby Pontillas said...
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Bobby Pontillas said...

Thank you everyone!

Briana said...

wow! it looks amazing!

Maya Karp said...

BOBBY CONGRATS!! Ahhh I'm so excited to see this movie it looks like such fun!

Nate Villanueva said...

Congrats congrats!!! cant wait to see it!

Omar said...

This looks like a film that you can look back on with pride, especially as your first feature! Congrats!

Alex_Munguia said...

Hey Bobby it's great to see a fellow art institute alum working on feature films; I don't come across us in major studios too often. I currently attend Ai in las Vegas so you're a great inspiration for me. Your posts are a great resource especially your AM posts and your blue sky demo reel post also. Thank you for taking the time to share your work, knowledge and experiences. CONGRATS!

Christian Sanhueza said...

You art is awesome!

lostinarc said...

Oh'll be amazing...saw the trailer's eagerly waiting man....good luck you guys..
Well Bobby you some amazing character stuff in you blog....nice to come across...:)

Katy Hargrove said...

Awesome! I'm really looking forward to seeing it!

You gonna give us a shot by shot breakdown of your parts once it is out Bobby? :)

Jamaal Bradley said...

Like I said in WA Bobby...

You did it Homie!

Bobby Pontillas said...
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Bobby Pontillas said...

I will! You won't be impressed, but I'll do it anyway!


Edward Pun said...

Congrats Bobby! You really did it. The trailer looks awesome!

During the credits, I'll point at your name and tell my kids I used to work with ya! :)

Unknown said...

Congrats, looking forward to the film.

Anonymous said...
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Davies said...

Saw this film and I have to say I am speechless everything about it was *input awesome word i cannot think of* Taking my lil bros to see this and then buying it on blue ray :D

tdchiu said...

Better late than never, so, CONGRATS DUDE!!! A hard working guy like you deserves such a landmark and I'm sure there's more coming. Inspiring dude! Take care now and stay awesome!!!


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