Saturday, April 30, 2011

On the E-Train


I love big hair.

BIG thanks to everyone who follows this blog. I really appreciate it.  Leave a link to yours so I can see your work too!  I still marvel at how easy it is to find out about new artists now.

And if you haven't yet, do yourself a favor check out my good buddy , Joe's blog.  That guy is so awesome.  We are making a book of all of this stuff this year!


  1. Thanks Joe!
    This came out alright , but MAN it was terrible for a couple of days. I played it kinda safe design-wise though.

    Funny you pointed that out, those shadows weren't purple at first, they were reg brown or something. I think it was after we had that convo w/ about Tadahiro...

  2. Cheers Paolo! I just checked out your stuff too, you're an excellent draftsman!

  3. Your work is incredible! It's so graphic and appealing, amazing job as usual :)

  4. Like Joseph said, the warm purple shadows totally make it. Nice work! :-)

  5. Yeah, your work is amazing.

    Feel free to check out mine.
    Not at your level, of course, but you asked for it. :)

  6. Another very cool image. Inspires me to render up some of my own metro drawings from my sketchbook.

    Do you mind if I ask what brushes you use?

  7. Man, I love everything about this, especially her skin tone! :)

  8. Omar, Anne- Thanks so much!

    Aaron thanks man I'm checkin it out.

    Gill- I'll just send you my brushes if you want. Let me know...

    Sam- Great to hear from you! Thank you!

  9. Your still using the same brushes you shared with me I assume? I'm just curious if you use a certain skinny brush preset for your thin lines? You sent me an example of your process a while ago and was wondering if you could post something similar.. It was a head example of how you tackle you shading. Much appreciated if you have the time Bobby! -J

  10. always a follower and fan. nothing new to show though.

  11. proud follower and hopefully future animation student. Love your work and Joe's!

  12. Very stylish, love the rough/blotchy brush you used too! I'm also super fond of the Malaku designs you posted a while ago. Very cool. :)

    Here's my blog if you feel like checking it out:


  13. I love your use of shapes in your characters. I like how you convey the fashion style and the attitude of the character. I really appreciate your ability communicate stylish clothing because art schools have little emphasis on this. You don't learn much about drawing clothes in nude models right? lol

    I aspire to one day draw characters at your level. I'l be working on it!

  14. I take E train every day!
    Really love your style :)
    Do you just observe on the train and draw/paint afterwards or do you sketch on the train and color afterwards?

    I would love it if you could send me your brushes..if you don't mind..!!


  15. Beautiful as usual, Bobby :) Look forward for your & Joe's book! :D All the best.

  16. awww she is cute! A Bobby and Joe book sounds wonderful!

  17. Beautiful work Bobby! I have to ask, what's your process for getting these ideas down? Are these based on sketches that you do throughout the day, or do you take notes on these ideas and paint them later? I live in New York City area too and am constantly inspired by people I see, but sometimes I can only capture a scene in my mind and don't have time to get out the sketchbook and transfer it to paper.

  18. Love it Bobby! Your work is so inspiring. Could you plz share the brushes with me too?

  19. I love the way you render your characters. It would be great if you could share the process!
    Im studying animationdesign in India, this is my blog:

  20. Awesome piece and I love Childish Gambino!

    Could i also get those brushes?


  21. hey bobby! my name is kathryn durfee and i was a production assistant intern on IA3 and the very beginning of rio! your work is amazing. very inspiring. i've just graduated from AM and am hoping to return to blue sky sooon! keep up the awesome work, and hopefully i'll get to work with ya on IA4!

    i'm at kathryndurfee[dot]com... not awesome, but i'm still learning!

  22. killer image, killer song.
    Your work always rocks!

  23. She's lovely Bobby. FANTASTIC colour.

  24. I clicked on the next button and found your blog. I am happy i did. Love your posts. Your are very talented.

  25. Your illustrations are awesome. Congratulations!

  26. Thanks everyone for stopping by, leavin a good word, and leaving links to your work. Appreciated much!!!

  27. Hello Bobby,
    I'm Angelo and I'm Brazilian.
    I love to follow your blog because I feel very good colors and textures that you use in your projects.
    Since I can not speak English, I use google translator to help in that conversation, I hope that makes sense all I'm saying to you.

    Congratulations on your illustrations.

    This is my site and email, I have yet to learn to do ...

    big hug.

    Olá Bobby,
    Eu sou Angelo e sou Brasileiro.
    Gosto muito de acompanhar seu blog, pois acho muito bom as cores e texturas que você usa nos seus projetos.
    Como não sei falar inglês, eu uso o google tradutor pra ajudar nessa conversa, espero que faça sentido tudo o que eu estou dizendo para você.

    Parabéns pelas suas ilustrações.

    Este é meu site e e-mail, ainda estou em faze de aprender...

    grande abraço.
