Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wreck-it Ralph Trailer

It's such a great feeling to read all of the positive comments on the internets. Thank you to any and everyone who's dropped me a line or mentioned it. I can't wait for everyone to see the film, it's got so much heart. We're coming up on our last 2 months of animation production, and I'm already starting to miss these characters! A real testament to the commitment of the crew. As romantic or silly as it might sound, Ralph has become a real person to me. I care about how he feels and am proud of him for the decisions that he makes in the film. I sound like a crazy person, but it's true I tell ya.


  1. I can't wait to see it Bobby, it looks great!

  2. I'm honestly beyond pumped - it's been said a bunch now, but I seriously hope this turns out like the Roger Rabbit of video games!! It looks like it could be a great movie.
    Also - props to whoever modelled and designed Ralph, he's such a damned appealing character!

  3. This looks fantastic. I love this blog. Even though I know nothing about animation and can hardly draw a stick figure it's fun to see how it's done.

  4. Looks really really great, cool concept and looks like it's really well done too. Looking forward to it.

  5. its been a while since I told you you rocked...will look for you in the scroll and shout " holleee crap Ive always wanted to be Bobby Pontillas!"

  6. I loved seeing the concept art for this last yeah, totally lived up to my expectations! Can't wait!

  7. We're cheering you on! -Chelsea from the Rotoscopers Podcast.

  8. Such awesome visuals, can't wait to see this on the big screen!

  9. I'm not sure if you can answer this question, but, Did you animate any classic arcade character for the background?!? I think I'll spend a lot of time trying to recognize all the easter eggs of this movie and animate one of then should be amazing...

  10. Wow!! Really nice one. Looking forward to it.

    career in animation

  11. This is so amazing. The animation looks fun to watch and attention grabber. I would definitely watch this. Can't wait.

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  13. The trailer makes me want to see the movie.
