Monday, March 25, 2013

Wreck it Ralph Reel

Bobby Pontillas- Wreck it Ralph Reel from Bobby Pontillas on Vimeo.

Here is all of the work I did last year on Wreck-it Ralph!  My 2012
in a nutshell. Man I feel so fortunate to have worked on this Disney film.
I've said it before but Rich Moore was amazing to work for, and I can't
sing his praises enough.  He was always the one laughing in dailies
the most, and I just always felt that he was so excited to be here.

So thanks to him, the Supes, and Mike Gabriel for making it such a
wonderful experience for us.  To Disney Animation!

Thanks for watching!


  1. Awesome! Great to watch you progress over the years. Cant wait to see whats next sir. An inspiration to say the least

    Keep on kickin ass

  2. good stuff Bobby! Star is shining bright!

  3. Congratulations Booobbbbbbyyy! Awesome work. SO glad u posted ur Wreck-It reel, I've been waiting to see it! Animate MORE, haha! Jump on the Disney "Frozen" team, I wanna see more of your work at this level ;)

  4. amazing, Bobby! One of my favourite movies. So much fun

  5. Awesome demo reel mister!!!
    The credits part was so fun!!
    Cant' wait to see what you'll do next!
