Here's an interview I did recently with Randall Sly & the Character Design blog.
Though I am terribly out of place amongst the amazing lineup of interviewees , I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks for puttin it all together and choo-choo choosing me Randall !
And as per request, I'm posting the latest DnD fighter done for my friend and work-wife Paul Zimmer. Meet Tim Tumbler, human fighter and the group's designated metal head. And yes, that IS a sword, of pro..... **ahem correction, SHIELD of protection, behold the blue glowy bits! It should also be of note that this image was made to switch out weapons as the adventure progresses!

"Now on to the nose..... like that?"
"Longer, even longer, no shorter , more pointier." " Oh no that strand of hair wouldn't curl like that, make it more unkempt, put split ends if you need to."
Ahhh, it was nice to just turn my brain off and stroke the screen.