Also, check this out if you havent already!

What an amazing thing to do ! I ran into Randall Sly (who, incidentally, runs the Character Design blog) at the comic-con while we were waiting in line for Eric Goldberg to sign our books. I told him how much I loved and appreciated the CD blog. We chatted a little about animationy stuff and he showed me a sketchbook he was taking around the comic-con, collecting sketches from various artists. I thought oh wow thats a cool idea, I should totally do that. But I had really NO idea how selfless his intent was . What he's doing is nothing short of amazing, inspiring, and my hats off to him.
We parted ways and I pointed him in the direction of the amazing Joe Moshier (who was just around the corner, down at the Conduct Happiness booth.) Do check it out, its obviously for a good cause, and you get an amazing collection of art to boot.
Great sketch, and what a great looking project.
Thank you so much for the link and spreading the word about the auction. And thank you for the very kind words. It was wonderful to talk to you at the Comic Con too.
Also, I have been meaning to send you an invitation to be interviewed on my blog, if you are interested. I'll send it soon and you can let me know.
Thanks again.
Great sketch my man.... and Randall is definetely the man.
thanks for posting the link to the auction BoBBY.P
that drawing is SWEEEEEEEET!
Oy, I keep getting blown away whenever I set foot on this site. Love your generic girls; what program you using?
Animation looking awesome to, BTW.
wow. awesome work Bobby, Keep it up!
That blue girl is crazy good, Bobby. Wow!
Awesome work. I love your poses, really clean and nice. I wish I could drawn like you.
Thanks for the kind words, Bobby! Can't wait till AM on the 29th- your dialogue shot looks GREAT! I love her timing on the "No"s- awesome!
Love your character paintings!
great sketches here!
Nice pose~!
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