Friday, September 28, 2012

Last day

Our Supervising Animator on Ralph, and the man who thought it might be a good idea to hire me, Renato Dos Anjos, on our official last day on Ralph animation.

Also, if you plan on goin to CTN this year, please stop by the Disney booth and say hi!  I'll be reviewing demo reels!  See you then.


  1. Hello Bobby.
    You're a lucky guy to work with Renato.
    I worked with him many years here in Brazil and it was really cool, a great privilege!
    Bobby, I love your drawings of Don Quixote!
    They are very beautiful, very inspiring!

  2. Nice. I'm Brazilian too but I didn't have the honor to meet Renato yet. Wow, that's already time for the CTN, looks like was yesterday that I met you on the last one. I'm Sad that I can't go this year, maybe next year I can go and have something to show you.

  3. Congrats on the film.

    Can't wait to see it when it comes out.

    All the best.

  4. omg i want this shirts!!! <3 <3 <3

  5. I will say hi at the disney booth for sure!
