Saturday, November 3, 2012

Opening weekend

I promise this will be the last Ralph-related post!  But the film is finally out this weekend,we are all really proud of Ralph and I hope it shows in the work.  I'm really excited to hear what you think!

This was such a unique experience for me.  Not only was a I lucky (but unworthy) enough to be a part of this world-class animation crew doing 3D and 8-bit animation, but on  the heels of the Caricature Show (see below), I was tapped by Art Director Mike Gabriel to create some art for the movie!  I'm very grateful , and that experience eventually helped me to move into Visual Development training program here at Disney! 
So I guess there are lessons I am learning here ; Take chances especially when they scare you.  Even when you feel like you aren't as good as the next guy, don't be afraid to put your work out there.  And keep forcefully pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
 All of the above will help us to fall flat on our faces.  But we secretly know that's how we get better;)

So if you've taken a break from your all-day-all-night animation session to visit this blog, this post is for you!  I feel you and I know you're workin hard and this medium is a challenging as it is gratifying.  But keep going and I promise you your big dreams are going to start to happen!

And when you do get there...dude it's awesome.  There's nothing like banding together with a team of talented artists and working together to put something special up on screen!
Such an honor to be up there with my heroes!
My dream comin' true. Being part of the amazing animation crew at Disney.  Our future's lookin pretty bright!

PS - Let me know if you spot this little piece somewhere in the film=)

 Congratulations to Rich Moore and the whole crew!  Thanks for the unforgettable experience!


  1. The Rich Moore caricature is in the hallway of "Tapper" where Ralph meets the Hero's Duty soldier. :)

  2. Congrats on being a part of it! I went to see it last week at an advanced screening with a few friends who came in with low expectations (for various reasons) but left having been pleasantly surprised. Both Wreck-it-Ralph and Paperman proved to be very successful films!

    "Even when you feel like you aren't as good as the next guy, don't be afraid to put your work out there."

    Those are words I definitely need to keep in mind. I'll be applying for summer internships come January and I know that there are so many fellow classmates of mine who are way more talented than me, all of whom I'll be "competing" with, but I can't let that make me feel as though I shouldn't bother striving to be a part of this industry!

  3. I also got the chance to see it. Pure genius. "Paperman" however, was so beautiful, it was to die for. Where you involved in story for either one, if I may ask?

  4. Ah, I knew it! I saw that caricature in the hallway scene and instantly recalled seeing it among your awesome caricatures you posted here. I'm a huge fan of yours by the way, and those caricatures are so great!

  5. Great Post Bobby! I was feeling the pressure lately at school and seeing Ralph and Paperman again has really given me that boost of inspiration I was missing.

    I went to the theater last night with half of my school and not one person in there was disappointed everyone stood outside of the theater and discussed how amazing the film was and how it made them feel.

    Again job well done! Cant wait to see what you'll do on the prepro end of things.

  6. Super proud of you Bobby!

    So awesome going to the movies and seeing friends from AM classes up on the screen.

    Can't wait to see it and stay for the end credits.

  7. Just got back from seeing it! Terrific!

  8. Holy cow! Your name is nearly touching Glen Keane and John Musker!

    So proud and inspired by the work you do.

    Carry on, sir!

  9. Yea, we can't congratulate you guys enough. The movie is ridiculous in so many good ways. Been following you for a while- Disney has been doing some great things and it's absolutely incredible the talent that's there at the moment. I perceive a collection of excellent films coming our way as you guys seem to be the next crew to really raise the bar in animation. thanks for the inspirational words by the way- they do help. Thanks especially for keeping an updated blog that allows us fans/ students to follow.

  10. Bobby! Good for you - congrats! You know what I just realized? That you have now worked with 2 of my former roommates....Tsveta at ArenaNet in Seattle and Sandeep at Blue Sky in NYC, and if you ever happen to work with Arthur Fong at Dreamworks, it'll be 3 for 3 :) And now I have linked you up among them at my blog. Small world! Hope you're doing well!

  11. The film was an absolute delight. Congratulations for being a part of something so inspiring!

  12. Thanks for the post, It was like you were talking to me... Thank you for the support and advice, I really needed this now... And I can't wait too see the movie, but just on January it will be release here in Brazil...

  13. congrats again man, you are one cool talented dude

  14. Absolutely fantastic work, the film was great. Also, its really great to hear your optimism. As someone who's just starting out, that was great to read. :) Thanks, and best of luck in the future! You've got a bright one ahead.

  15. Great work! Great advise and inspiration. Hopefully one day I can say thank you in person!

  16. Really enjoyed the awesome charicatures you made for Wreck-It Ralph - you are one talented SOB! Happy to see you being so content with the movie too!

    Cheers, a big fan of your work
