Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Better Off Undead !

Finally! As promised, here is my short film, Better Off Undead! Whew, It's just crazy to see months and months of work fly by in seconds. Seconds!!

Well so, I started Animation Mentor Jan 2007, took classes on and off for about two years, and today I'm off to the Bay Area for the AM graduation. I'm super excited to graduate and meet my class, mentors, and all the other students, from around the world!

I'll write up my thoughts about it in the next posts. But for now I just want to thank everyone who helped me out these past couple of months.
Some of you know that I ended up getting placed in a tough situation and I appreciate everyone who got in touch with me to offer up some help or give an encouraging word. I won't forget it man and I hope to return the favor someday! Godfather style!

Please enjoy, and as always, thanks for watching!

Better Off Undead ! from Bobby Pontillas on Vimeo.


  1. cool movie! congrats on graduating!


  2. Wow man, I LOVE this! Really great work! Love the 2D, love the 3D too. One of my favorite moments was when he spins around and picks up his leg. What an interesting way to do it! Lots of stuff in there that is just really entertaining. You are talented man! Keep up the great work!

  3. Many congrats on graduation and wrapping up the short film, Bobby! It looks fantastic. You're so damn talented man.

  4. I agree with Brandon! Wowow that spinning around and joining the leg is really well done! I was a little surprised seeing this half 2D and half 3D. Animation Mentor really rocks for letting you do that!! :)

    Congratulation on your graduation again!! You are talented, looking forward to seeing your success!!

  5. Bobby, congrats man. Very well done!!!

  6. Awww, that was adorable and I loved both the 2d animation and 3d. I have a soft sport for those Scissorhand tracks too. Congrats on graduating!

  7. WOWOWIE, Bobbykins. I have been patiently waiting to see this finished work of yours and yehey...it's finally here. Anyways, congrats on your outstanding short film. It's so funny, cute and sweet. So proud of your great accomplishments. Take care, be safe and have fun with your babe, Cheryl in SFran. C u when u get back with lots of pics and stories.

  8. Congratulations Bobby!

    Awesome short film. Thanks for posting bits and pieces and different versions along the way. It was great to see you process and most importantly, your final, and it's safe to say you've got a lot of people rooting for you.

    All the best!

  9. great work my friend!!


  10. Loveitloveitloveit!! Congrats, Bobby.

  11. Bobby this was AMAZING. everything i was expecting and more. the combination of 2D and 3D worked so well. the character going from one medium to the other was flawless.. the performance was so good it could've been stop motion and i wouldn't have noticed! i love the part when he drops down to sniff the flower like a dog. and the end. so cute.

    congrats on this beautiful film :)

  12. WWooaa!! Congratulations man!! Happy graduation also! You made a very VERY cool animation and i enjoy it a lot. I know it was a lot of work, months you say, still, hope you make many many more! Love your style, love your work! :)

  13. Great stuff Bobby! Congratulations on graduating. Will you be going to COMICON while you're down there?

  14. hehehe. So good! Nice work bro!



    Mixing 2-D with 3-D. great storytelling. good mood.
    I love every minute of it.
    I see BIG things in your future :)

  16. Babe, I love you and I know that you will do big things!!! Love you and congrats for finally finishing this great short film!

  17. wicked short, good meeting you at the BBQ, good luck in the future

  18. Awesome work Bobby! Great story, great animation, and very entertaining all around!

  19. Awesome work Bobby. Love the little touches you added in the last polishing stages, especially the spelling the roses portion. Nice meeting you and Cheryl at the BBQ. Tell her I said hi. hehe
    -Edward Villegas

  20. simply inspiration and frigging terrific !

    your work never ceases to amaze me Bobby !

    Good luck !

  21. It was great meeting you in person! You are really talented and I am proud to know you. Your short is terrific.
    Your friend and mentor, Keith Sintay...

  22. Awesome job Bobby! A pity about the misunderstanding but both the 3D and 2D looks great. I love the part where he screws his leg back on. Will you be finishing it in 3D?

  23. Awesome Bobby! please make it in full 2d! I'm still struggling for my story on C5, wish I could done as good as yours
    Congrats on your graduating!


  24. hey, this is really cool, Bobby. congratulations on finishing AM!

  25. Wow, that was really cool! I love the designs of the kids.

  26. OMG I love that roll to sitting!!!! Super Pimp man, congratulations!

  27. Bobby


    This is awesome. It's clear to see how much hard work you put into this. Spectacular.

    I'll be snooping around your blog picking up tips on 2D and 3D stuff.

    Now you're an AM alumni - does that mean you still crit us mere mortals yet to graduate?

  28. THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH everyone!!

  29. Bobby... this is BRILLIANT animation, i love the mix of 2D/3D, it makes the film very interesting!! style of animation, story...everything is very cool ...hope to be able to produce such nice animation after i graduate!!!

  30. I really love your sketches work, and now this short film is just lovely. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

  31. I love this film. Even though Remington is undead, he has a lot of heart! The story has the right mixture of humor and feeling. We need more Remington and Penelope!

  32. Well done Bobby! you made it ^_^ I did a traditional animated piece for my end of uni piece and I know what it feels like to FINALLY finish something like that! Heres to the next one ^_^

  33. Nice work! I really love the combination of the sweet and the macabre. This was spot on as far as that balance goes. Your 2D work is really solid, as is your 3D. The soundtrack choice was great.

  34. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

  35. This is amazing! Your works are truly great. Congratulations on your graduation!

  36. Wow, man! I love it! I love the story. The way you do that, and the children are so sweet and cute.

  37. That was amazing!!! I really loved the story. Good luck at Blue Sky, Im sure you'll have a blast!

  38. Oh, so cute! I hope you don't mind me using cute...but the expression on the girl's face at the end...and the little flower being pushed back up again...it made me laugh and go "aw" at the same time. And I don't know how you make a zombie look both sweet and disgusting at the same time, with little tears welling up in the blank eyes...but you managed to do it! What took you months to make may have only been a few seconds long, but those were some darn good "seconds." You should be proud.
