Friday, July 17, 2009

Thank you!

Oh man, thanks so much everyone for checking out my film!! It really is a great feeling to get some positive feedback after working so hard on something.

I don't know about anyone else, but for me, it's extremely nerve-racking the minute you make your film available for everyone to see. Its like, you take a deep breath, press the "Post" button and either people might get a kick out of it, or everyone will just go silent and be like,".......The hell was that?" And maybe I still got a lot of those, but I dunno, this thing was about 2 minutes and took me just under a year, so I can't even imagine a director, who has spent 4-5 years working on a 90 minute film, on opening day. Scary.

Anyway, if I'm gutsy enough, expect more posts where I ramble on about more of that stuff, but I 'll try to at least include a drawing.

BTW, I also posted a few pictures of my Bay Area trip last week over in my photos section (flickr) !


  1. That's pretty natural to feel that way. I would feel the same whenever I had to show my Flash work at most of my interviews (the little work I finished on my Gorditos project).

    Congrats again on graduating and the great short, Bobby. *thumbs up*

  2. That was an awesome film, man. Hope I can get somthing out like that anytime soon...

    Good on ya

  3. Hey!

    Your short is looking fantastic- I love it!
    I remember seeing your pitch a long time ago- before I took a long break from mentor haha!

  4. Love the film! Galing talaga :) I would actually love to see it as a comic book series in the future. (I was going to suggest - an animated series but that might be too much to ask. Unless of course you can get funding.) Hmmm...

    Good luck on your future endeavors. Mabuhay!

  5. I dont know what it is about your lyricism but I really like your versatility in design and your animation...always dope to see your timing and spacing

  6. Still lovng it B!!!

    Congrats on gradating man!

