Friday, February 12, 2010

AM Newsletter

Here's a little bit of a interview/post-mortem of the making of my Animation Mentor film, Better off Undead!  Thanks for showcasing it AM!
 I remember trying to get this film done last year, in time for Valentine's Day, and I didn't even come close!  So it's cool this was posted now.  It's funny to read this interview and scroll back just a few posts in the past and read how frustrated and disheartened I was going through it at first.  Melodramatic much?  But what's really cool is reading and remembering how many people, both good friends and strangers, offered to help me out.  I would get messages from people asking if I needed any modeling, animation, lighting help.   That was so awesome and I'm super grateful! 

As an aside, a little after I finished Animation Mentor, I posted it on CG Talk, and I was contacted by a talented artist named Jason Walker who said he wanted to do the environments for my short!  We went back and forth a little bit but he eventually got too busy with school, and I eventually moved out here.  But he did send me these initial lighting tests and I was already blown away!


  1. Wow. Those lighting tests are amazing. You should definitely contact him. See if he's free enough to finish it now. I mean just so you can have for yourself, ykno.

  2. yeah love the look of these lighting tests. CAn't wait to see it finished man great work. How's the new city?

  3. those are beautiful. i loved your film!

  4. Hey man! Congrats on your film. Its been a long time I didn't see such a good AM short! Very funny.

  5. man these look really great, hopefully you can get it finished

  6. Wow, is that mental ray or something? Looks awesome!

  7. gorgeous stuff Bobby.... I would love to see this finished

  8. One of the most beuatiful shorts in a long time man !

  9. love the way you draw,beautiful rythmic drawings,wonderful artist..will certainly be back for more.

  10. Great illustrations!
