Sunday, February 14, 2010

Schoolism: Assignment #4, The Features

This week's Schoolism lecture was on features. The assignment was to draw a page of hands,eyes,noses,ears. A few realistic and a few cartoony.  Here is a page I did of hands.  Some of these are okay, most are way off.  Hands are always some of the weakest parts of my drawings, and I need all the practice I could get. 
Case in point.  Here's a sketch I did for the Draw Force blog some of the artists here at work run.  Ironically missing any sorts of hands!


  1. Such gorgeous shapes, on both the hell's angel and some of the hands.

    Out of curiosity did you reference your own hands pose wise before you drew these?

  2. Hey Bobby! Great job. Yea plz explain did you tell someone to pose them for you? Or lots of references?

  3. Hands are a feature I need to work on myself, awesome job Bobby!

  4. I think you're being quite hard on yourself, these are great hand studies! You've got a really lovely drawing style.

    I've recently completed Bobby Chiu's digital painting class, but seeing your work here is making me want to sign up to Stephen's class now too!

  5. Are the hands drawn from memory or taken from reference????

  6. Are the hands from memory or from reference material????

  7. 'Weakest', you say? These are gorgeous! I love it all to bits! <3
