Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Art Blocks for Ghana - Los Angeles

Here's a piece I did for the Art Blocks for Ghana event this weekend LA.  If you're in the area, it will be at the Gallery Nucleus . Go check out some amazing art for a great cause.  As of this writing, tickets are still available.  A big thank-you to Rachel Tiep-Daniels for setting it all up and letting me particpate!  Here are some photos of the show in NYC last weekend.

Little FYI:  All of these fine folks were lifted from John Singer Sargent paintings...  If you fancy yourself a Sargent aficionado, you may recognize them!


  1. Very cool! A have seen a lot of these blocks already. Great stuff.

  2. Great stuff, Bobby! Would be so awesome to see yours (and others') work on display. Too bad there's the Pacific ocean in the way! Haha

  3. Very cool! I'm definitely going to have to check out the show!

  4. Yes do check it out ! It is very inspiring.

  5. nice!... I love the designs on your blog.. Thanks for the inspiration..

  6. The Brazilian art and culture to the world shown by the state artist blog NEWTON AVELINO www.aartedenewtonavelino.blogspot.com

  7. I'm always amazed to see how much artists in Usa feel concerned and work hard to help people in need! Great job!

  8. The Brazilian art and culture to the world shown by the state artist blog NEWTON AVELINO www.aartedenewtonavelino.com

  9. The Brazilian art and culture to the world shown by the state artist blog NEWTON AVELINO www.aartedenewtonavelino.com
