Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Artists Help Japan

Slept very little last night.  These haunting videos we've been seeing are heartbreaking and make it difficult to rest easy.

Thankfully , there are no shortage of humanitarian efforts out there to contribute to.

Also, a portion of the efforts for the Art Blocks for Ghana will be donated to "Artists Help Japan."  That's pretty rad.


  1. This is beautiful.
    I'm from Japan and it has been a very rough time and unsettling..
    At the same time I'm very much moved how people all over the world have been kind and supportive.
    Hope the love keep spreading out!!


  2. Thanks for dropping in Junko. I hope all is well w/ your family back home.

  3. Fortunately my family is fine but it's a complicated feeling because so many people are not...
    Thank you Bobby for your concern. Really appreciate it.


  4. Hi Bobby,

    It's in difficult times that the best of people comes above.
    Of course that it would be better for those not to happen.

    Best regards,


  5. Great work Bobby!!!
    Its really awesome to se the artistic community come together at hard times like these.
    A bunch of us artist's at Aardman, here in the UK have been doing our little bit to contribute too.
    We have all designed a post card each which have now been printed and sold as a set to raise money to donate to Japan. You can see my lil scribble on my blog, along with a link to the other artists and their pieces.

    May God Bless all those in need and effected by this terrible disaster.

    Best wishes,

    Ps, iv left you a message on your "Rio" animation for the official website :D

  6. The Brazilian art and culture to the world shown by the state artist blog NEWTON AVELINO.

