I'm still busy pluggin away slowly on my film, Better off Undead. But I just wanted to put up some frames at various stages of completion. It's a lot of hard work and can get exhausting at times, but it's really exciting to see it start to come together!

**On a side note, I love coming across interviews with certain lumanaries that get you motivated, or inspired. This morning its from Walt Disney:
The answer, according to Disney is: Invent your own job; take such an interest in it that you eat, sleep, dream, walk, talk and live nothing but your work until you succeed. Then you may take on a hobby or two if you feel so inclined.
“All this talk about my making a lot of money is bunk,” declares Disney. “After 10 years of pretty tough sledding, I am now making a moderate profit on my products, but every dime I take in is immediately put back into the business. I’m building for the future. And my goal isn’t millions; it’s better pictures.
“I’m not interested in money, except for what I can do with it to advance my work. The idea of piling up a fortune for the sake of wealth seems silly to me. Work is the real adventure in life. Money is merely a means to make more work possible."
Can't wait to see the final film!! :) These are looking great so far, thanks for sharing!
Thanks alot Ting! I appreciate it!
Hi Bobby,
Thanks for compliments man, I still have much to learn. I love seeing your work, congratulations.
It's really interesting to see your film come together, thanks for posting along the way!
and thanks for the reminder from Disney.
Lookin good bro. I'm excited to see the final product!
Sooo cute!!
Wow these shots look great! I can't wait to see the final piece! Pure awesomeness ...
This looks likes its going to be a pretty awesome film!
Thanks for the good words everyone! The encouragement really helps!
Yeah I don't really have anything new to add except you're a mad genius. I love your short film! Hope you don't mind but I'd like to use your quotes for my inspiring animation twitter messages(twitter.com/xsheet). Its better than reading about which sandwich I'm eating :P
This looks really cute!!
Motivation for the Masses. Great work man.-
Good to see you on the blogosphere! Your art is always nice on the eyes.
I've actually just started a new gig with Dreamworks-like last week! It's been surreal man. I'm not a fan of their animation tool at the moment, but I'll get over the hump hopefully soon.
Keep in touch dude!
hey bobby!
now you are my facebook friend too!yay!
love your stuff!Good as always!
holy shit! bobby pontillas commented on my blog! thanks man :)
ur film seems to be something right up my alley.. i cannot wait to see some animation from it!
Hi! Thanks a bunch :) Your zombie boy is awesomely cute!
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